Ebook {Epub PDF} Fox Hunt by James Phelan

Book 1. Fox Hunt. by James Phelan. · Ratings · 25 Reviews · published · 16 editions. High above the earth, death looms. Orbiting slowly. Want to Read. Shelving menu. Shelve Fox www.doorway.ru: James Phelan. About James Phelan; Links; Fox Hunt. It’s hard to bury a past. Lachlan Fox is about to discover it’s ever harder to dig it back up. While most of the world’s Intel resources have been tied up in Afghanistan and Iraq, the president of Chechnya has been making plans— and the clock is ticking. A world away, off Christmas Island, ex-navy. The Lachlan Fox Series Fox Hunt Patriot Act Blood Oil Liquid Gold Red Ice The Jed Walker Series The Spy The Hunted James Phelan is the bestselling author of 4/5().

Get this from a library! Fox hunt. [James Phelan] -- From East Timor to Grozny, Washington to New York and Venice to Iran, Lachlan Fox is forced into an adrenaline fuelled quest to save his friend, himself and the world. James Phelan is the award-winning author of twenty-four novels and one work of non-fiction. He first studied and worked in architecture before turning to English/Lit, working five years at The Age newspaper, obtaining an MA (Writing) and PhD (Young Adult Literature). Editions for Fox Hunt: (Paperback published in ), (Kindle Edition published in ), (Kindle Edition published in ), (Kindle Edition.

Fox Hunt By James Phelan - FictionDB. Cover art, synopsis, sequels, reviews, awards, publishing history, genres, and time period. From East Timor to Grozny, Washington to New York, and Venice to Iran, Lachlan Fox is forced into an adrenaline-fuelled quest to save his friend, himself and the world. Now includes a bonus sample of James Phelan’s new action thriller, The Spy, featuring Jed Walker. Hachette has published his five geo-political thrillers: FOX HUNT, PATRIOT ACT, BLOOD OIL, LIQUID GOLD and RED ICE. From , James Phelan is the award-winning author of twenty-four novels and one work of non-fiction.


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