Flashback () by Ian Hocking (Favorite Author) of 5 Votes: 3. languge. English. genre. Fantasy. publisher. Writer as a Stranger. series. The Saskia Brandt Series. review 1: As with the first book in the series, the story is complex and switches through time, it has time travel as a core so that's not surprising. Very well researched as. Ian Hocking contrives to write a non-linear linear story, and for the most part has succeeded. Flashback continues with most of the same cast of characters, and introduces some new ones as well. The story continues in the same non-linear, linear fashion that was introduced in the first of the books/5. · My Rating: /5. Author: Ian Hocking. Title: Flashback (The Saskia Brandt Series Book Two) Genre: Technothriller. Background: “In a Santiago-bound plane crashes into the Andes minutes after confirming its landing time. In a passenger plane nosedives into the Bavarian National Forest during a routine www.doorway.ruted Reading Time: 4 mins.
My Rating: /5 Author: Ian Hocking Title: Flashback (The Saskia Brandt Series Book Two) Genre: Technothriller Background: "In a Santiago-bound plane crashes into the Andes minutes after confirming its landing time. In a passenger plane nosedives into the Bavarian National Forest during a routine flight. Although separated by more than 50 years, these tragedies are linked by seven. Déjà Vu takes the reader on a startling journey through a possible future, though digital minds, and through the consequences of the choices we make. It is the debut novel by Ian Hocking.". This is a fast-pace action book set in the near future of (with some flashbacks to ). It puts me in mind of something like the movie Salt. Ian Hocking is a remarkable Author, and I think an extremely qualified academic. I have enjoyed very much 'Deja Vue' 'Flashback' in the trilogy. Also his other books. The writing is superb, the 'plots' are brilliant. The researched aspects (Maths so on) are amazing, if a bit abstract, but 'what the heck' it's a novel.
Posted by Ian Hocking Posted in publishing, writing Tags: Déjà Vu, Flashback Leave a comment on Flashback is now available once more Flashback free Another fairly content-light post, I’m afraid. Posted by Ian Hocking Ap Ap 7 Comments on Flashback: The Blurb Flashback, sequel to Déjà Vu, is on schedule for publication next month. I’m currently working on the blurb – the catchy description you typically find on the back of the physical book, or in the Amazon description in the case of an ebook. My Rating: /5. Author: Ian Hocking. Title: Flashback (The Saskia Brandt Series Book Two) Genre: Technothriller. Background: “In a Santiago-bound plane crashes into the Andes minutes after confirming its landing time. In a passenger plane nosedives into the Bavarian National Forest during a routine flight.