item 3 Firefox by Craig Thomas 3 - Firefox by Craig Thomas. $ Free shipping. item 4 Firefox by Thomas, Craig (Hardcover) 4 - Firefox by Thomas, Craig (Hardcover) $ +$ shipping. No ratings or reviews yet No ratings or reviews yet. Be the first to write a review. Best Selling in Books. · Buy a cheap copy of Firefox book by Craig Thomas. A thriller set in Russia and Britain, by the author of Jade Tiger, Rat Trap, Sea Leopard, Wolfsbane and The Bear's Tears. A deadly Soviet warplane, codenamed Free Shipping on all orders over $/5(5). · The Crazy, Real Story Behind Clint Eastwood’s Firefox (And MiG Foxbat) by Dario Leone Belenko’s defection was mentioned in the novel Firefox by .
Craig Thomas's FIREFOX is a masterpiece that is always a pleasure to read. A pioneer techno-thriller! Published by User, 23 years ago This is brilliant! I first read this when I was 15, when the movie came out in the UK, and looking back on it, much of the technology of the Firefox MiG arcraft has come to fruitition in real. Firefox by Thomas, Craig. Download PDF EPUB FB2. The Foxfire Book: Hog Dressing, Log Cabin Building, Mountain Crafts and Foods, Planting by the Signs, Snake Lore, Hunting Tales, Faith Healing, Moonshining, and Other Affairs of Plain Living [Eliot Wigginton] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. David Craig Owen Thomas was a Welsh author of thrillers, most notably the Mitchell Gant series. The son of the Western Mail rugby union writer, JBG Thomas, Craig was educated at Cardiff High School. He graduated from University College, Cardiff in , obtaining his M.A. after completing a thesis on Thomas Hardy.
Firefox is a thriller novel written by Craig Thomas and published in The Cold War plot involves an attempt by the CIA and MI6 to steal a highly advanced experimental Soviet fighter aircraft. The chief protagonist is fighter pilot turned spy Mitchell Gant. 4 Stars Firefox Down! (Mitchell Gant, #2) by Craig Thomas. This is the sequel to Firefox and is every bit as good, if not better, than the first book. Mitchell Gant on the run from his pursuers. Danger. Thrills. Drama. Action. Adventure. Craig Thomas was one of my first "grown up" reads. Loved his books then, still enjoy them now all these years later. Buy a cheap copy of Firefox book by Craig Thomas. A thriller set in Russia and Britain, by the author of Jade Tiger, Rat Trap, Sea Leopard, Wolfsbane and The Bear's Tears. A deadly Soviet warplane, codenamed Free Shipping on all orders over $