Salvador Minuchin’s ‘Families and Family Therapy’ is as relevant and effective today as it was when he first published it in Minuchin was the first family psychiatrist to present a way forward for family relationships to work effectively and proactively as distinct from diagnosing what does not work/5(9). Salvador Minuchin presents six chapter-length transcripts of actual family sessions—two devoted to ordinary families who are meeting their problems with relative success; four concerned with families seeking help. Accompanying each transcript is the author’s running interpretation of what is taking place, laying particular stress on the therapist’s tactics and maneuvers. Salvador Minuchin presents six chapter-length transcripts of actual family sessions—two devoted to ordinary families who are meeting their problems with relative success; four concerned with families seeking help. Accompanying each transcript is the author’s running interpretation of what is taking place, laying particular stress on the.
THE STRUCTURAL APPROACH OF SALVADOR MINUCHIN 1. INTRODUCTION Salvador Minuchin and Braulio Montalvo are viewed as the founders of the structural approach. This approach developed in connection with a research project, "Families of the Slums"1), under the direction of Minuchin, Montalvo and others in which the structure. This is the classic text on structural family therapy and where the journey in to learning about family therapy should begin. While Minuchin's ideas about the ideal family structure are clearly products of his time, the notion that systems have a discernible structure is timeless; that there is a "perfect" or "desired" structure is now. Family Therapy Salvador Minuchin's family therapy is based on a highly developed theory of family structure and dynamics that recognizes most of the fundamental concepts in the structural functionalist position as outlined by Parsons. In particular, as Goldenberg and Goldenberg state about Minuchin.
Bibliography: p. Structural family therapy -- A family in formation: the Wagners and Salvador Minuchin -- A family model -- A Kibbutz family: the Rabins and Mordecai Kaffman -- Therapeutic implications of a structural approach -- The family in therapy -- Forming the therapeutic system -- Restructuring the family -- A "yes, but" technique: the Smiths and Salvador Minuchin -- A "yes. Families and Family Therapy. by. Salvador Minuchin. · Rating details · ratings · 14 reviews. No other book in the field so fully combines vivid clinical examples, specific details of technique, and mature perspectives on both effectively functioning families and those seeking therapy. The views and strategies of a master clinician. Salvador Minuchin presents six chapter-length transcripts of actual family sessions—two devoted to ordinary families who are meeting their problems with relative success; four concerned with families seeking help. Accompanying each transcript is the author’s running interpretation of what is taking place, laying particular stress on the.