Dora: An Analysis of a Case of Hysteria Summary. Dora: An Analysis of a Case of Hysteria is a case study that Freud writes about an eighteen-year-old girl. Dora, whose actual name Freud keeps secret, suffers from a variety of hysterical symptoms, including dysponea (difficulty breathing), aphonia (loss of voice), nervous coughing and migraine www.doorway.ruted Reading Time: 6 mins. He's wordy, difficult to read at times, and seems to think of women as hysterical children, but when Freud's theories and analysis is more deeply studied, one is able to appreciate his brilliance and insight. His work is revolutionary and remains a cornerstone of modern therapy. "Dora" is a deeply affecting case study about a sad young woman who is caught between the needs of her father, her mother, her /5(56). Freud’s analysis focuses on Dora, however she is surrounded by an emotionally disturbed cast of characters that thicken the psychological intrigue. As Dora falls into the paralysis of psychological hysteria, Freud uses all of his analytical genius and literary skill to explore Dora’s inner life and explain the cause of her by:
The Dora analysis is like a rape case in which the male perpetrator is declared innocent because he was "led on" by the woman to expect consensual sex. (See Freud Reader, p. ) To view a diagram of the complex character configurations of Dora's case that outlines her love of her father and Herr K, on the one hand, and her identifications. PDF Dora An Analysis Of A Case Hysteria Collected Papers Sigmund Freud research in any way. in the midst of them is this dora an analysis of a case hysteria collected papers sigmund freud that can be your partner. Sigmund Freud, Dora: An Analysis of a Case of Hysteria Case Studies: Dora and Freud Book Review - Dora Bruder - Patrick Page 4/ This was an early and incomplete case (only three months long) of hysteria that Freud treated. It began with a long introduction in which he apologizes in advance for the frankness of his discussion of the delicacies of sex, but insists boldly that he will always "call a cat a cat." The exact phrase he uses is in french, "J'appelle un chat un.
So, if Dora really did have some vaginal discharge that may have disgusted her, it somehow played perfectly into the convenient box that Freud wished to place her in - hysteria - because Freud goes on (Freud ) to advise readers that "disorders of the genitals have an incredible power of humiliating [females], of lowering their self-esteem, and of making them irritable, sensitive, and distrustful." Mahony (page 35) insists Freud's " blunders demonstrate his profound misunderstanding. Freud’s analysis focuses on Dora, however she is surrounded by an emotionally disturbed cast of characters that thicken the psychological intrigue. As Dora falls into the paralysis of psychological hysteria, Freud uses all of his analytical genius and literary skill to explore Dora’s inner life and explain the cause of her neuroses. Despite not meeting Freud's expectation, Dora:An Analysis of a Case of Hysteria brought together the most important theories of his early work, laying out his ideas on hysteria, the unconscious and dreams. Freud published his first major work in , The Interpretation of Dreams.