Mother love is often seen as sacred, but for many children the relationship is a painful struggle. Using the newest research on human attachment and brain development, Terri Apter, an internationally acclaimed psychologist and writer, unlocks the mysteries of this complicated bond. She showcases the five different types of difficult mother—the angry mother, the controlling mother, the /5(2). Terri Apter, Ph.D., is a writer understanding and overcoming their power was declared in the Times Higher Education Supplement to be "required reading Difficult Mothers: Understanding and. The author, Terri Apter, does a magnificent job at emphasizing what most families go through, what good-enough mothering looks and feels like. With such great depictions, it’s easy to understand who difficult Mother’s really are, how they act and how their actions implicate ongoing pain and suffering to /5().
Buy Difficult Mothers: Understanding and Overcoming Their Power Reprint by Apter, Terri (ISBN: ) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Difficult Mothers: Understanding and Overcoming Their Power, Paperback by Apter, Terri, ISBN , ISBN , Brand New, Free PP in the UK Describes the five different types of difficult mothers, explains how adults can still suffer from negative relationships with their mothers, and how people can overcome the challenges of their complex feelings. Access Free Difficult Mothers Understanding And Overcoming Their Power Terri Apter Difficult Mothers in Old Age | Psychology Today Difficult Mothers: Understanding and Overcoming Their Power Kindle Edition by Terri Apter (Author) Format: Kindle Edition. out of 5 stars 92 ratings. See all formats and editions Hide other formats and editions.
Mother love is often seen as sacred, but for many children the relationship is a painful struggle. Using the newest research on human attachment and brain development, Terri Apter, an internationally acclaimed psychologist and writer, unlocks the mysteries of this complicated bond. Using the newest research on human attachment and brain development, Terri Apter showcases five different types of difficult mother - the angry, the controlling, the narcissistic, the envious and the emotionally neglectful - and reveals the patterns of behaviour seen in each type. Using the newest research on human attachment and brain development, Terri Apter, an internationally acclaimed psychologist and writer, unlocks the mysteries of this complicated bond. She showcases the five different types of difficult mother—the angry mother, the controlling mother, the narcissistic mother, the envious mother, and the emotionally neglectful mother—and explains the patterns of behavior seen in each type.