· Blue Moon. Anne Bourne. Crimson Romance logo. Avon, Massachusetts. This edition published by. Crimson Romance. an imprint of Simon Schuster, Inc. 57 Littlefield Street. Avon, MA www.doorway.ru Copyright © by Emily Field. ISBN ISBN eISBN X. eISBN Brand: Simon Schuster. Emily Field. I am an author living in the Midwest. Check out my book Blue Moon under pen name Anne Bourne. The Catalyst is due out ! www.doorway.ru is an author, gamer and artist! She has been writing since the fourth grade, where her present to her teacher was a book she wrote and illustrated. When not writing in no particular order, she loves to bake, read, game, hike, horseback ride, and wrangle two children and two rescue dogs.
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Find great deals for Blue Moon by Anne Bourne (English) Paperback Book Free Shipping!. Shop with confidence on eBay!. Anne Bourne. 72 likes. Anne Bourne is a pen name for the author and artist Emily Field. Author. Jane by April Lindner. dive into Blue Moon, a romance about. Posted on by Emily Field (Anne Bourne) The Catalyst In the future Autism holds the key Tessa s genes carry the vital connection for a doctor who has created a way to manipulate minds The world s freedom walks a razor s edge with Tessa as the key to de.