· Abduction At Roswell book. Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers.3/5(1). Abduction at Roswell (Herodeia Decalogue Book 7) . by David Seals. $ Personal reminiscence of the Seals family, which was involved in the Roswell UFO Incident (s), in which the author's father was a B pilot with the AAF and was abducted by strange "extra-terrestrial, extra-human Entities, like gods", where the author was conceived in the famous New Mexico town in that . Abduction at Roswell book. Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. Personal reminiscence of the Seals family, which was involved in the.
David Seals is the author of The Powwow Highway ( avg rating, ratings, 23 reviews, published ), Sweet Medicine ( avg rating, 24 ratings. The Herodeia Decalogue book. Read reviews from world's largest community for readers. Confessions of the Gods, 'The Herodeia Decalogue' is the 7th volume. Roswell. David compiled a slide presentation to show during the talk. The following is a PDF of that slide show. Our talk caused quite a stir and is still being talked about over two years later. This slide show is only a small amount of the information that David compiled and included in his book "Unholy.
His family memoir is entitled Abduction at Roswell. [8] Personal life and political activism. Seals lives in Raton, New Mexico. He is a founding member of the Black Hills Alliance and a long-time activist and supporter of the American Indian Movement (AIM).. Books by David Seals. The Powwow Highway: a Novel () New York, Plume. ISBN Abduction at Roswell (Herodeia Decalogue Book 7) . by David Seals. $ Personal reminiscence of the Seals family, which was involved in the Roswell UFO Incident (s), in which the author's father was a B pilot with the AAF and was abducted by strange "extra-terrestrial, extra-human Entities, like gods", where the author was conceived in the famous New Mexico town in that same year. ABDUCTION AT ROSWELL by David Seals. Posted by Publisher at No comments: Wednesday, Ap. MILITARY GHOSTS by Nick Pope. Posted by Publisher at.