Ebook {Epub PDF} Waiting for Robert Capa by Susana Fortes

Susana is a regular contributor to the newspaper El País, as well as various cinema and literature magazines. Her novel El azar de Laura Ulloa (The Fate of Laura Ulloa), Planeta , won the Premio de la Crítica and has been translated into several languages. Quattroccento (Planeta, October ) and her last novel Waiting for Robert Capa /5.  · Waiting for Robert Capa: A Novel by Susana Fortes, Adriana V. Lopez. Click here for the lowest price! Paperback, , 'Waiting for Robert Capa moves artfully between fact and fiction, with a stunningly evoked backdrop of the Spanish Civil War. Susana Fortes is the real thing: a world-class novelist who brings all of her considerable talents to bear on this brief, affecting story." Jay Parini, author of The Last Station and The Passages of H.M. 'sweeping /5(27).

Susana Fortes offers a gorgeously written, English Patient -style novel about the real-life romance between two photojournalists furiously in love: Robert Capa and Gerda Taro. During the Spanish Civil War, Capa and Taro risked everything documenting Francisco Franco's Fascist uprising—even as they risked everything for love. Waiting for Robert Capa by Susana Fortes. Gerta Pohorylle and André Friedmann and are young Jewish refugees who arrive in Paris in Caught up in the scene that is Paris on the cusp of World War II, the two were first friends, then business partners and finally lovers. Friedmann taught Pohorylle the art of photography and she, in turn. Author: Fortes, Susana. Waiting for Robert Capa. Binding: Paperback PAP. Publication Date: Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers. ISBN/EAN:

waiting for robert capa by Susana Fortes ‧ RELEASE DATE: Oct. 1, Love and photography bring two young exiles together in this based-on-fact real-life tragic romance. “Waiting for Robert Capa moves artfully between fact and fiction, with a stunningly evoked backdrop of the Spanish Civil War. Susana Fortes is the real thing: a world-class novelist who brings all of her considerable talents to bear on this brief, affecting story.” (Jay Parini, author of The Last Station and The Passages of H.M.). Waiting for Robert Capa is the story of photojournalists Andre Friedmann and Gerta Pohorylle, who later assume their more well known aliases, Robert Capa and Gerda Taro. Both are Jewish; Taro had relocated to Paris from Germany due to the Nazi regime and impending persecution of the Jews.


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