Join me for the COVER REVEAL of Grace R. Duncan‘s new book, Turning His Life Around. And what a wonderful cover it is. 🙂 ★★★★★ I’m so excited to announce my new novel Turning His LIfe Around is up for pre-order with an amazing cover from Paul Richmond! Title: Turning His Life Around Publisher: Dreamspinner Press Release date. When Kane Harris’s world turns upside down, his lifelong best friend is the only one to catch him. Years ago, Ian Kelly accepted Kane would never return his love, since Kane believes he’s incapable of it. Ian’s willing to settle for what he can get—a best friend, sometimes casual lover, and occasional www.doorway.ruted Reading Time: 1 min. Knowing his best friend as well as he does, he knows that if Matt ever bit and paired with him, Matt would never leave and consign Adam to the pain of a new bite or a life without sex. But Adam knows that it wouldn’t matter how Matt felt, he’d stay even if he felt trapped by the situation, making them both miserable and hurting Matt badly.
Acceptance by Grace R Duncan (Audio) and Christopher Boucher (Narrator) Reviewed by Shee Reader for Boy Meets Boy Reviews Find us on the web at Rating hearts Blurb Dr. Miles Grant acknowledges that his destined mate could be either gender even though his bisexuality cost him his family and his pack. Luckily, he. Turn The Page. is a diverse range of stories about the journey of love, hope, and acceptance. Happy Birthday to Me by Tempeste O'Riley Robin's Confession by Dianne Hartsock Purr by Nikki Prince Lockdown by Grace R. Duncan Ducks in a Row by Sue Brown Butterflies by Aine P Massie Once Step Back by Carole Cummings Superheroes by Hope Ryan. Patience by Grace R. Duncan (MM/Romance/Shifter) A copy of this book was provided to me by Inked Rainbow Reads in exchange for an honest review. ****4 STARS**** Oh man, I had been waiting for Jamie's story and I'm glad I finally read it. In book two of the "Forbes Mates" series, we have Jamie from book one.
Turning His Life Around by Grace R. Duncan (Goodreads Author) avg rating — ratings — published — 5 editions. [] Treasure Hunt: Around the House By Roger Priddy [] Trash Cinema: A Celebration of Overlooked Masterpieces By Andrew J. Rausch, R. D. Riley, Brad Paulson [] Truth Temptation (Summer Love Series Book 3) By Riley Edgewood. Join me for the COVER REVEAL of Grace R. Duncan‘s new book, Turning His Life Around. And what a wonderful cover it is. 🙂 ★★★★★ I’m so excited to announce my new novel Turning His LIfe Around is up for pre-order with an amazing cover from Paul Richmond! Title: Turning His Life Around Publisher: Dreamspinner Press Release date.