Yes, and it’s called Stormdancer, the first book in the Lotus War series by Jay Kristoff, an award-winning, Australian author. Kristoff said that he first got the idea for this sci-fi/fantasy after a dream he had, and that’s totally believable/5(). · “Jay Kristoff pushes the steampunk genre exactly where it needs to go, away from Victorian London's over-trodden lanes and into the great wide world. With its rocketing action, eccentric and convincing characters, and deep immersion in heroic Japanese culture, Stormdancer slammed my head into an updated vision of the great chanbara films of Kurosawa and St. Martin's Publishing Group. · Stormdancer PDF Book by Jay Kristoff (The Lotus Wars #1) Download or Read Online Free. Author: Jay Kristoff | Submitted by: Maria Garcia | Views | View Chapter List | Add a Review Stormdancer PDF book by Jay Kristoff (The Lotus Wars #1) Read Online or Free Download in ePUB, PDF or MOBI eBooks. Published in August 21st the book become immediate popular and critical .
Review of Stormdancer by Jay Kristoff Posted on J by H.P. Stormdancer benefits, first and foremost, from having pretty much the greatest concept ever—feudal Japan-inspired, eco-dystopian steampunk. Stormdancer by Jay Kristoff Series: The Lotus War #1 Published by: St. Martin's Press on Septem Genre: Dystopian, Fantasy, Mythology, Steampunk Pages: Source: NetGalley Buy on Amazon • Book Details Rating: starf;starf;starf;starf;starf; A DYING LAND The Shima Imperium verges on the brink of environmental collapse; an island nation once rich in tradition and myth, now. Review: Stormdancer by Jay Kristoff. 6 August, Kat Kennedy Reviews 11 comments. I received this book for free from Author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
Stormdancer by Jay Kristoff (The Lotus War #1) Genre: Dystopian, Steampunk. Publisher: Thomas Dunne Books on Septem. Source: Purchased. The Shima Imperium verges on the brink of environmental collapse; an island nation once rich in tradition and myth, now decimated by clockwork industrialization and the machine-worshipers of the Lotus Guild. Jay Kristoff - Wikipedia The Lotus War. Kristoff is the author of The Lotus War, a Steampunk series inspired by Tokugawa-era Japan. The first novel, Stormdancer, was a finalist for a Aurealis Award, was shortlisted for two David Gemmell Awards (for best novel and best debut novel), and was a finalist for the Compton Crook Award. Stormdancer takes place in a fantasy version of feudal Japan, one with an environment fouled by the blood lotus, a plant that blights the land but has many beneficial properties, like being smoked or turned into a super-fuel. Thus, the island nation of Shima has an impressive empire, ruled by mad and cruel Shogun.