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Normal price ) Didn't you get the hint yet? I'm not a nice guy. I'm the man you need to fear. Hell, I sell fear. We call it protection, but in the end? Fear is what they want in return for their payment. I'm Grigory 'Ford' Dudnik, head of The Dudnik Circle. The Russian Mob, in case you need a label. Esther E. Schmidt did an Amazing job on this book. The story is well written. Esther E. Schmidt is a Fabulous Author. I have read every one of her books. Love them all. In this story we have Yegor and Ruby. Yegor is strong, loyal, smart and fierce. He is the second in command of the Dudnik Circle. A Russian Mob. By Esther E. Schmidt. Release Date: ; Genre: Romance; Score: From 9 Ratings. $ On itunes Buy on Amazon. Description. Didn't you get the hint yet? I'm a bastard, and I own that shit. My soul is dark as well as my actions. In the end, life will always cause pain, it's the shit you have to endure to appreciate the good.
Peacock (The Faults Of Our Sins) eBook: Schmidt, Esther E.: Kindle Store Skip to main Hello Select your address. Title: Peacock (The Faults Of Our Sins) Author: Esther E. Schmidt Cover Design: Esther E. Schmidt Cover model: Nathan Hainline-model Photographer: Nathan Hainline Release: March 24th, Peacock (The Faults Of Our Sins) - Esther E. Schmidt eBook - RaeBook.