Move the Sun (Signal Bend, 1) by Susan Fanetti. First Edition, hardcover, pages, ISBN: Very rare, valuable First Edition. Lilli Accardo moves to the dying town of Signal Bend, Missouri, where the citizens have made a devil's bargain to stay afloat. Lilli. An excellent collectible copy of this great work of literature by Susan. · Pretty much since I published Move the Sun, I’ve had requests from readers to produce an audio were a lot of roadblocks over the years, but finally it’s happened! It’s LIVE RIGHT NOW on Audible and Amazon and will be available very shortly on iTunes.. As is common for my books, MTS is told in dual narration, and I wanted two narrators to read Isaac and Lilli. Title: Move the Sun Author: Susan Fanetti Publisher: Susan Fanetti, Formats: Kindle .mobi), ePub .epub), PDF .pdf) Pages: Downloads: Move the (2 MB), Move the (6 MB), Move the (3 MB) Lilli Accardo moves to the dying town of Signal Bend, Missouri, where the citizens have made a devil’s bargain to stay Edition: Susan Fanetti.
Move The Sun (Signal Bend) (Volume 1)|Susan Fanetti, Police Ethics|Patricia Haggard, World atlas of agriculture|Istituto geografico de Agostini di Novara, The Modern African Elite of South Africa|Lynette Dreyer. Move the Sun by Susan Fanetti. Paperback (New Edition) $ Paperback. $ NOOK Book. $ View All Available Formats Editions. Ship This Item — Qualifies for Free Shipping Buy Online, Pick up in Store Check Availability at Nearby Stores. Sign in to Purchase Instantly. ― Susan Fanetti, Move the Sun. 27 likes. Like "You know all your Norse mythology and chess references make you a nerd, right? Deep down under all that muscle, ink, and leather, you're a huge nerd." ― Susan Fanetti, Behold the Stars. 14 likes.
Title: Move the Sun Author: Susan Fanetti Publisher: Susan Fanetti, Formats: Kindle .mobi), ePub .epub), PDF .pdf) Pages: Downloads: Move the (2 MB), Move the (6 MB), Move the (3 MB) Lilli Accardo moves to the dying town of Signal Bend, Missouri, where the citizens have made a devil’s bargain to stay afloat. Move the Sun Signal Bend, no. 1. Susan Fanetti. • 35 Ratings; More Books by Susan Fanetti. Behold the Stars. Into the Storm. All the Sky. ― Susan Fanetti, Move the Sun. 32 likes. Like “But I need you to keep in touch. I’m not used to giving this much of a shit about somebody, and it turns out I.