· With over , copies sold, the Matt Turner Series launched author Michael Siemsen to bestseller status. The Dig (Book 1) and The Opal (Book 2) hint at the troubled psychometrist's traumatic childhood, aiding his detective father solve the worst kinds of crimes/5(10). · Read "Matty (a Matt Turner Series short)" by Michael Siemsen available from Rakuten Kobo. Ten-year-old Matthew Turner only learned of his 4/5(63). Michael Siemsen 1 “Matty” atty and Iris Turner rushed to reach the top of the cargo net, hand over shaky hand, feet ever searching for the next step. Both giggled and cackled like maniacs as each competed to be first to touch the wood-plank landing. Other children above .
Read "Matty (a Matt Turner Series short)" by Michael Siemsen available from Rakuten Kobo. Ten-year-old Matthew Turner only learned of his psychic ability last year, and he doesn't yet fully understand it. When. Michael Siemsen Hi Janelle, sorry for the delayed response. GR usually emails us when questions are posted, but not this time. The short story, Matty, should actually more Hi Janelle, sorry for the delayed response. GR usually emails us when questions are posted, but not this time. - Big Thompson Interact Club (Loveland, CO D): Treasurer , President - Rocky Mountain Rotary Youth Leadership Awards: conferee.
Michael Siemsen is the USA Today bestselling author of 6 novels including The Dig, A Warm Place to Call Home (a demon's story), and Exigency. He is currently working on several new novels, including Frederick Samuel, the 3rd book in the (a demon's story) series. Michael Siemsen Author Michael Siemsen is an Amazon and USA Today bestseller, having sold more than , books. He grew up in Venice, California, and is the second son of a Vietnam vet that was the first son of a Korean vet that was the first son of a World War I vet. Read "Matty (a Matt Turner Series short)" by Michael Siemsen available from Rakuten Kobo. Ten-year-old Matthew Turner only learned of his psychic ability last year, and he doesn't yet fully understand it.