Merryweather Lodge - Malevolent Spirit. Pauline Holyoak. Simon and Schuster, Nov 1, - Fiction - pages 5/5(1). Malevolent Spirit by Pauline Holyoak Malevolent Spirit (Merryweather Lodge, # 2) by Pauline Holyoak (Goodreads Author) read in March, My rating: didn't like it it was ok liked it really liked it it was amazing Emily returns to Merryweather Lodge for the holidays only to find out the spirit is not gone/5. Read "Merryweather Lodge - Malevolent Spirit" by Pauline Holyoak available from Rakuten Kobo. It's Christmastime at Merryweather Lodge. Emily has returned to the cottage from her home in Canada; after the untimely Brand: Whiskey Creek Press.
Spirits, Demons, God!: The Story Of My Journey Through The World Of Evil Spirits And Demons And Back To God|Pauline Brady, A Manual of the Common Invertebrate Animals, Exclusive of Insects|Henry Sherring Pratt, Magnetic Poetry: Photo Faces Lit|Dave Kapell, Gimson's Pronunciation of English (Hodder Arnold Publication)|Alan Cruttenden. Febru | Anne White. What a gripping read, couldn't put it down. Pauline you have a God given talent and your parents, as with the rest of the family, would be extremely proud of you. Can't wait for your next book. Mum hasn't stopped 'raving' about it. And to think I was born in that house. But after spending a day with the Nanny, she realizes that there is nothing to fear. And, having a caregiver can be fun! This colorful picture book is full of comical illustrations and the silly, rhyming humor that children love! Available NOW at EBook ISBN: Print ISBN:
But after spending a day with the Nanny, she realizes that there is nothing to fear. And, having a caregiver can be fun! This colorful picture book is full of comical illustrations and the silly, rhyming humor that children love! Available NOW at EBook ISBN: Print ISBN: It's Christmastime at Merryweather Lodge. Emily has returned to the cottage from her home in Canada; after the untimely death of someone she loved. Will she be able to celebrate a traditional English Christmas in her aunts enchanting little cottage or will she be tormented by the hideous creature. “MALEVOLENT SPIRIT is the second amazing book in Pauline Holyoak’s eerie trilogy about the strange goings on surrounding a quaint English cottage near Stonehenge. In this book Emily returns to Merryweather Lodge for an extended visit with her Auntie Em, who owns the property.