Helen Karol loves the challenge of creating worlds full of feisty, intelligent, heroines and tough yet tender, alpha heroes - all wrapped up in dark desires played out in steamy scenes. Her Keeper #2 in Bestsellers at Blushing Books. Thank you and big hugs to all my wonderful readers who make that possible! My extract today is from my e. Her Keeper is spinoff of Intimate Knowledge by Helen Karol, the first in a serial. Luke Kincaid, former partner of Raisa Gordon, reappears as the best friend of Rick Andrews, the alpha male Detective of a small town in New Hampshire on Lake Andrews, named /5(14). Intimate Knowledge The Prologue (Detectives Desires, #), Intimate Knowledge: Part 1 (Detective Desires #), Intimate Knowledge Part 2, Intimate.
Intimate Knowledge The Prologue (Detectives Desires, #), Intimate Knowledge: Part 1 (Detective Desires #), Intimate Knowledge Part 2, Intimate. Picnic - "Picnic" () takes place on Labor Day, in a Midwest small town. In the middle of the country, in the middle of the s, we arrive at a point in the lives of the characters in this film when they are both looking back and looking forward. For most, it seems their prospects are as flat as the horizon. Books. Search the world's most comprehensive index of full-text books.
Intimate Knowledge The Prologue (Detectives Desires, #), Intimate Knowledge: Part 1 (Detective Desires #), Intimate Knowledge Part 2, Intimate. Writing is my great love. I finally made time to devote to it in and self-published my debut novel, Chances and Choices. Since then I have gone on to write my best-selling ongoing e-serials Her Keeper and Intimate Knowledge, as well as HIS By Design, the erotic version of Chances Choices. In your Google Account, you can see and manage your info, activity, security options, and privacy preferences to make Google work better for you.