Teased (Purgatory Club Series Book 3) - Kindle edition by Gayle, E.M., Gayle, EM. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Teased (Purgatory Club Series Book 3).4/5(18). I’ve been an avid fan of Eliza Gayle’s Purgatory series for a while now, and her latest release, Hold Me Close, is without a doubt a fantastic addition. Now just like the others in the Invitation to Eden series, our characters are invited to an exotic resort that caters to whatever your heart desires/5(53). · Eliza Gayle is, was, a new to me author. After reading this novella, the sixth one in her Purgatory Club series, I’d be lying if I said it didn’t hold my interest enough to want to check out the other books. Bonnie (24) was a "baby girl" to her Dom, Jim. He'd been older, wiser and his life was chaos free/5(12).
Songs of Innocence (). E.M. Gayle is the NY Times and USA Today Bestselling Author of red-hot contemporary romance books. She lives on a small island in the Pacific Northwest and spends her days writing romance, wandering the beach or making faces at her husky named Nanna who begs constantly for attention. Hands, we've got hands. Hands to hold other hands. And walk much better through this land. Hands, la da da, la da da. So take my hand and I will lead you. To see the mirrors of your soul. Just touch my hand and I can teach you. The most important thing of all, of all. Hands, we've got hands.
by E.M. Gayle. · Ratings · 43 Reviews · published · 8 editions. Hold Me Close. by E.M. Gayle. · Ratings · 46 Reviews · published. By E.M. Gayle. Read a Sample While HOLD ME CLOSE can easily be read as a stand alone story, you'll likely enjoy reading the earlier Purgatory Club books, too. I’ve been an avid fan of Eliza Gayle’s Purgatory series for a while now, and her latest release, Hold Me Close, is without a doubt a fantastic addition. Now just like the others in the Invitation to Eden series, our characters are invited to an exotic resort that caters to whatever your heart desires.