Ebook {Epub PDF} Deirdre and Don Juan by Jo Beverley

Click to read more about Lovers and Ladies (Fortune Hunter / Deirdre Don Juan) by Jo Beverley. LibraryThing is a cataloging and social networking site for booklovers/5(4). Deirdre and Don Juan was first published in paperback by Avon, 1st Dec []. This is long out-of-print It became available as a stand-alone e-book in the UK, 14th Mar Deirdre and Don Juan is now available together with The Fortune Hunter in Lovers and Ladies, Signet Eclipse, 1st Apr [] trade. This became available as an e-book, 24th May  · Ever since his wife left him, The Earl of Everdon – known by those around him as 'Don Juan' – has led a life of illicit liaisons and scandal. Until his rakish reputation threatens to be his downfall. He sets his sights on Lady Deirdre Stowe, a quiet young girl from the village. Only, she is already betrothed Will she let him win her heart?

Buy Deirdre and Don Juan (A Regency Romance) by Beverley, Jo (ISBN: ) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. 1. Deirdre and Don Juan by Jo Beverley Avon Books. 2. A Gypsy at Almack's by Chloe Cheshire Harper Paperbacks. 3. Love's Duet by Patricia Veryan Fawcett Crest. 4. Miss Whittier Makes a List by Carla Kelly Signet Books. 5. "Ms. Beverley is a storyteller par excellence, whose vivid and mesmerizing characters totally engage all the reader's emotions topnotch Regency reading pleasure." Romantic Times Read an Excerpt. Click here to buy the e-book. LOVERS AND LADIES. NAL, April This trade paperback includes THE FORTUNE HUNTER and DEIRDRE AND DON JUAN.

On his mother's recommedation, Don Juan sets his sights on Lady Deirdre Stowe, a well-bred but quiet, badly-dressed, and, indeed, almost ugly young woman. Don Juan cannot conceive that Deirdre would be anything but flattered and grateful for his attentions, so he is disconcerted--and intrigued--when she greets his offer w/ dismay and annoyance. "Don Juan," the dashing Earl of Everdon, was abandoned by his wife shortly following the wedding--and his scandalous behavior is considered an understandable response. Now newly widowed, the errant earl is most eager to marry someone--anyone--who will bear him an heir. And quiet, well-bred Lady Deirdre Stowe fits the bill quite nicely. The Lady Demurs. Deidre and Don Juan by Jo Beverly Deidre believes she is in love with a boring, dull mathematician that so desperately needs her to make his life comfortable. Deidre is enticed slowly away by Marco (the very handsome and charismatic Don Juan) to learn what it feels like to really love and be loved.


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