· Yes Ma’am: Six Tales of High Class Fem-Dom Erotica by Kay Jaybee #BDSM #femdom #kink #erotica Kay Jaybee is delighted to announce the . · Yes Ma’am contains six straight and bi-sexual encounters of the SM nature. Out on the 21 st November, you can pre-order now from Amazon UK Amazon US Amazon AU Amazon CA Barnes Noble iBooks UK iBooks US Kobo Smashwords. I hope you love the new cover as much as I do! The six stories included are. · Download Yes Maam Author Kay Jaybee – www.doorway.ru A collection of six arse spanking wrist binding whip wielding tales of female dominationLying in WaitCadet Luke Porter is the least successful army recruit in the suadron The butt of his comrade’s j Download Yes Maam Author Kay Jaybee – www.doorway.ru A collection of six arse spanking wrist .
Take Control is a collection of toe-curlingly sexy tales of bondage and female submission from the pen of best-selling writer Kay Jaybee. From the spankingly delicious Dinner With Tess to a Staged public sex fantasy, an unforgettable alfresco hosing in Deluged, a kinky scientific Experiment, and the realisation of a long-held threesome fantasy in The Necklace, Take Control offers five bite. Kay Jaybee. SELLER. Smashwords, Inc. SIZE. KB. More Books by Kay Jaybee. The Voyeur. Making Him Wait. Yes Ma'am. A Kink a Day Book Four. The Collector. Wednesday on Thursday. More ways to shop: Find an Apple Store or other retailer near you. Or call MY-APPLE. Choose your country or region. Yes Ma'am contains six straight and bi-sexual encounters of the SM nature. GENRE. Fiction Literature. RELEASED. November 22 LANGUAGE. EN. English. LENGTH. Pages PUBLISHER. Kay Jaybee. SELLER. Smashwords, Inc. SIZE. KB. More Books by Kay Jaybee. The Perfect Submissive Box Set. The Voyeur. Making Him Wait. A.
YES MA’AM KAY JAYBEE ISBN: April Xcite Books www.doorway.ru E-Book $ 68 Pages BDSM Erotica Rating: 3 Cups. Lying in Wait. He has one last chance to make it, but Cadet Luke Porter has no idea how long two minutes is about to last. Yes Ma’am: Six Tales of High Class Fem-Dom Erotica by Kay Jaybee #BDSM #femdom #kink #erotica Kay Jaybee is delighted to announce the re-release of one of her most popular erotic anthologies. Yes Ma’am contains six straight and bi-sexual encounters of the SM nature. *** The 6 stories included in this extra hot collection are Lying in Wait – Cadet Luke Porter is the least successful army recruit in the squadron. The butt of his comrades jokes, his reputation badly needs improving, and he is desperate to do well in the seek.